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Carnage Tutorials

Hi! Welcome to Carnage Tutorials. This is one of the most authenticate web page for all the tutorials that are available for Don Bradman Cricket 14 and EA Sports Cricket 07. This web page contain a list of Text + Video Tutorials that will guide you from some of basics of the game to modifying it as per your requirements. Till then sit back and relax as I'm going to put every minute details of the game, writing some articles and providing some audio visual content specially for the fans of EA Sports Cricket 07. You can Subscribe to my YouTube channel for some awesome content on EA Sports Cricket 07.

My YouTube Channel
#1 How to download and install EA Sports Cricket 07
#2 What is difference b/w Modified EA Sports Cricket 07 and Original EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#3 How to load Roster in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#4 How to load Roster in case it is not showing up in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#5 What are Patches for EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#1 How to edit In-Game Text in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#2 How to edit Sound in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#3 How to edit Stroke in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#4 How to edit Balls in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#5 How to edit Faces in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#6 How to edit Intro Video in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#7 How to edit Kits in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#8 How to edit Logos in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#9 How to edit Overlay in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#10 How to edit Pitchads in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#11 How to edit Real Crowd in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#12 How to edit Ropes in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#13 How to edit Stadiums in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#14 How to edit Stumps in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#15 How to edit Fixtures in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#16 How to edit Jukebox in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#1 How to use Player Editor for EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#2 How to use Fshed for EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#3 How to use OEdit for EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#4 How to use O File Worker for EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON
#5 How to change fonts in EA Sports Cricket 07 COMING SOON

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